C&D CD9530SVK HVAC Appliance Service Kit
C&D Valve part number CD9530SVK HVAC Appliance Service Kit
- CD5050 (1), 1/4 flare thumb screw core depressor with o-ring
- CD3805 (1), Plastic tube container with six valve cores and one core wrench tool
- CD4338 (1), Standard Line Tap Valve
- CD8400 (3), 1/4 m. flare access body, solder end has 1/8 ID and 3/16, 1/4 and 5/16 OD steps
- CD8403 (3), 1/4 m. flare access fitting w/ 3/16 copper tube extension
- CD8404 (3), 1/4 m. flare access fitting w/ 1/4 copper tube extension
- CD8405 (3), 1/4 m. flare access fitting w/ 5/16 copper tube extension
- CD8408 (3), 1/4 m. flare access fitting w/ 1/8 copper tube extension
- CD5514 (3), 1/4 copper saddle valve
- CD2245 (6) 1/4 f. flare brass cap.
CD5050 (1), CD3805 (1), CD4338 (1), CD8400 (3), CD8403 (3), CD8404 (3), CD8405 (3), CD8408 (3), CD5514 (3), CD2245 (6) and Hard Carry Case.
- Brand: C&D
- Part Number: CD9530SVK
- Country of origin: USA.

C&D CD9530SVK HVAC Appliance Service Kit